With data from customers in over 21 countries, find out how companies drive bottom line growth with customer service. Gain confidence, walk away with clear—personalized—action items from the benchmarking tool, and uncover the ROI potential of your customer service.
CX Trends 2022 report
New year, new trends
We took data from over 97,000 Zendesk customers across 21 countries and found that the majority of high-performing companies drive bottom line growth with customer service. The CX Trends 2022 report will help you get in on the action.
Gain confidence, walk away with clear—personalized—action items from our benchmarking tool, and uncover the ROI potential of your customer service. |
7 in 10 business leaders recognize the direct link between customer service and performance |
93% of customers will spend more money with companies that offer preferred channels |
Only 30% of businesses agree that customer service spending keeps up with company growth |
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